
See also the page: "Publications"

WP1: Evaluating existing BME e-curricula and strengthening the harmonization process

The aim of the WP1 was to examine the status of e-learning on Biomedical Engineering programs in Europe and create guidelines for the e-learning in the higher education harmonisation process.

Survey report of existing and planned BME distance courses in Europe

The aim of the document is to assess the possibility of bringing together the existing and planned European distance education courses through a common platform, EVICAB, where participants share the Bologna values and work towards the EVICAB objectives, e.g., quality assurance, educational transparency, students mobility, common curriculum, etc. The document is based on data gathered by questionnaires sent (April-July 2006) to European educational centers offering BME courses. Following questions have been analyzed:

  • Who has experience on distance BME courses in Europe?

  • Is there an interest among educational centers to cooperate in building a platform defined by common Bologna values, for e-learning?

  • To what extent do the existing courses comply with the Bologna declaration? What are the possible pros and cons of the earliest work?

  • What are the means used until now to reach Bologna compliance regarding the most important aspects of the Bologna process?

Deliverable: Survey report of existing and planned BME distance courses in Europe

Salerud E.G., Petersson H. & Ilias M.A. European biomedical engineering e-learning. 2006, 36 p.

Analysis and guidelines for existing and planned BME e-learning in Europe

This document constitutes an activity report, highlighting the policy that pervades the efforts of EVICAB members to strengthen the Bologna harmonisation process. The presented guidelines identify specific areas where e-learning needs thorough consideration in order to get the most out of its potential for e.g., student mobility and life long learning.

The target group consists of the teacher and programme coordinators, responsible for education by designing courses and/ or curricula. The delimitation of the guidelines has matured and developed as consequence of the BME survey and a number of seminars and meetings in the EVICAB project. Thus, the contents of this report are adapted to the needs of the participant members although delivered in a generic manner in order to allow different implementations and to serve as a reference or starting point for any other e-learning initiative sharing the same ambitions. Iterative revisions of this document are to be expected adding, changing or clarifying the guidelines according to need and gained experiences.

Deliverable: Analysis and guidelines for existing and planned BME e-learning in Europe

Salerud E.G., Petersson H. & Ilias M.A. Analysis and guidelines for existing and planned BME e-learning in Europe. 2007, 13 p.

WP2: Build up a common virtual pilot BME curriculum among other partners

The aim of the WP2 was to study a systematic procedure for creating a virtual curriculum and build up a pilot curriculum for virtual campus for Biomedical Engineering.

Pilot Curriculum for Virtual Campus for Biomedical Engineering

The report describes the systematic procedure for creating a virtual curriculum that presents a framework for development of a sustainable Internet-based virtual BME curriculum, building on the existing expertise in the substance and e-learning technology and experience of partners, gathered in close long-term co-operation. The system should guarantee a sustainable learning environment and content, of which development is based on continuous dynamic peer and self evaluation and effective exploitation of information and computer technology. The systematic procedure for creating a virtual curriculum was created by the collaborative contribution from all partner institutions.

The important components of the systematic procedure for creating a virtual curriculum are:

  • Core curriculum;
  • e-learning portal;
  • Steering committee;
  • Quality assurance;
  • Participating institutions;
  • Connections at the university level;
  • Financing and sustainability.

Deliverable: Pilot Curriculum for Virtual Campus for Biomedical Engineering

Fridolin I., Meigas K. & Parve T. Pilot Curriculum for virtual campus for biomedical engineering. 2007, 41 p.

Virtual curriculum

WP3: Development of a model to dynamically elaborate and innovate sustainable e-courses

The aim of WP3 was to study and implement evaluation methods and tools to dynamically improve and innovate the e-curriculum.

Development of a Model to Dynamically Elaborate and Innovate Sustainable e-Courses

The document describes a model for management and evolution of the virtual curriculum and online courses. For ensuring the dynamic and sustainable entity the process concerning a particular courses are divided into two cycles; external and internal cycles. External cycle will ensure the dynamic processing of the courses in the EVICAB and the internal cycle will ensure the sustainability and quality of the given courses. This report will give a guideline of the processes taking place in EVICAB and detailed information on the realization and execution of the different sections.

The report is divided into two parts:

(a) Modelling of dynamic evaluation,
(b) Implementation of the model

Deliverable: Model to Dynamically Elaborate and Innovate Sustainable e-Courses

Lindroos K., Nousiainen J.O. & Rajalakso M. Developemnt of a model to dynamically elaborate and innovate sustainable e-courses. 2007, 30 p.

WP4: Development of new practices for e-teaching and e-learning

The aim of the WP4 was gather good e-learning practices and results on the usage of a common virtual learning environment to manage most of the teaching and learning activities.

Review of e-teaching/ e-learning Practices and Technologies

Biomedical engineering education brings together knowledge from many different sources: biological sciences, medicine, and engineering. Due to such diversity it requires special teaching and learning approaches. E-learning can offer significant advantages over traditional education, e.g., providing organized access to many resources, more flexible and superior quality delivery structures and new learning opportunities. The review report, different e-learning strategies and methods have been reviewed.

The review revealed that there exist theoretical and practical possibilities to create high quality e-learning education for biomedical engineering. Several recommendations are presented at the end of the report.

Deliverable: Review of e-teaching/ e-learning practices and technologies

Kybartaite A., Nousiainen J.O., Marozas V. & Jurkonis R. Review of e-teaching/ e-learning practices and technologies. 2007, 25 p.

Kanninen E. Learning styles and e-learning. 2008, 83 p.

Development and Testing of New e-Learning and e-Teaching Practices and Technologies

The report presents e-learning and e-teaching practices and technologies that were developed, tested and evaluated by EVICAB project partners. These practices and technologies are not necessary new in absolute meaning, but nevertheless, we implemented them and have our own opinion.

At first we present our considerations about virtual learning environment for management of e-learning courses then we describe our approach in developing and delivering of course ware: audio visual materials for presentation of learning content and "practise by doing" methods for fostering the deeper learning. Finally we describe our approach to internet based examination. Several recommendations based on obtained experience are presented at the end of the report.

Deliverable: Development and Testing of New e-Learning and e-Teaching Practices and Technologies

Kybartaite A., Nousiainen J.O., Marozas V. & Jurkonis R. Developemnt and testing of a new e-learning and e-teaching practices and technologies. 2007, 14 p.

WP5: Developing new administrative practices

The aim of the WP5 was to describe and implement the administrative structure of the virtual campus.

Developing new administrative practices

The document presents analysis and preliminary formulation of EVICAB organizational structure. Necessary activities for virtual curriculum administration are also described, i.e., structure of students' administration, curriculum management, tutoring methods, and students' authentication. The implementation of these activities is based on the features provided by the Moodle platform.

Deliverable: Developing new administrative practices

Jan J. Developing new administrative practices. 2006, 24 p.

WP6: Evaluation and dissemination of results

The evaluation of the progress of the project was performed in eight project meetings organized on regular intervals in different partner institutions. Based on this self-evaluation project results and deliverables were developed.

Student feedback was used to evaluate the usability and effectiveness of the solutions of the project.

Deliverable: EVICAB course evaluation

Ragnar Granit Institute. EVICAB course evaluation. 2007, 16 p.

The idea of EVICAB project and virtual BME curriculum has been disseminated among the partner universities, within the BIOMEDIA community and outside the BME community including e-learning community, societies and conferences in a large scale.

Deliverable: Conference presentations

WP7: Management of the project

The project meetings have been organized as scheduled in the work plan.
